Hey Guys,
Hope everyone had a great Halloween. The house went trick-or-treating for canned goods in the neighborhood and it had a pretty good response. The brothers also carved pumpkins for the sororities and neighbors. We actually had two kids come to the house on Halloween night, but we had no candy so we gave them soup crackers and ramen noodles.
Thank you to everyone who came to the Alumni Dinner this past Saturday night. Everyone had a blast. The food was great and the turnout was also very good. For those who don’t know, we honored Kevin Piatek for his ten years of dedication to the chapter as alumni adviser. He’s done an awesome job and the chapter owes a great deal to him. Piatek was given a plaque during dinner. It was a very nice reception. Pictures have been posted on our new online alumni photo album on flickr. The address is http://www.flickr.com/photos/lambdaurialum.
We’ve also started to upload some of the photos that are in albums at the house and put them online. They’re on flickr as well at the same address. The 1970s photo album is the first to go up. Peace.
HZ 1343