Lambda Chi Alpha Eta Zeta

Lambda Chi Alpha Eta Zeta
Lambda Chi Alpha URI
29 Old North Rd. Kingston, RI 02881

Thursday, November 13, 2008

November 2008

Hey Guys,


Hope everyone had a great Halloween.  The house went trick-or-treating for canned goods in the neighborhood and it had a pretty good response.  The brothers also carved pumpkins for the sororities and neighbors.  We actually had two kids come to the house on Halloween night, but we had no candy so we gave them soup crackers and ramen noodles.

Thank you to everyone who came to the Alumni Dinner this past Saturday night.  Everyone had a blast.  The food was great and the turnout was also very good.  For those who don’t know, we honored Kevin Piatek for his ten years of dedication to the chapter as alumni adviser.  He’s done an awesome job and the chapter owes a great deal to him.  Piatek was given a plaque during dinner.  It was a very nice reception.  Pictures have been posted on our new online alumni photo album on flickr.  The address is 


We’ve also started to upload some of the photos that are in albums at the house and put them online.  They’re on flickr as well at the same address.  The 1970s photo album is the first to go up.  Peace.



HZ 1343

Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 2008



Hope everyone has had an excellent October so far.  Homecoming was awesome.  Thanks to everyone who stopped by.  We all had a blast.  Our chef, John Rousseau, cooked us a delicious buffet breakfast we all enjoyed and we had a really good turnout. 


We officially have 20 associate members.  This is the largest class we’ve had in four years and its a good one.  Big brothers are being given out soon.  Finding 20 big brothers is sometimes difficult.  AM raids are open this week so everyone's on the lookout.  AM's haven't held a successful bad raid in five years, so they have their work cut out for them.  


At the end of the Homecoming football game, our house was paired for Philanthropy Week.  We got SDT and everyone’s really excited.  For those who don’t know, Philanthropy Week is similar to Greek Week, where we have events worth points and the team with the most points at the end of the week wins.  A lot of money is raised and donated to a local charity.  We’ll let you know how we do.


Don’t forget about the Alumni Dinner honoring Kevin Piatek is Saturday, November 8th at 5:00 PM at our chapter house.  It’s catered and is $20 per person and is a jacket and tie event.  Please RSVP to me via email, phone, or Facebook by next week.  This is going to be a really nice dinner.  I hope to see a lot of you there.


Thanks again to everyone who came this past weekend.  Have a good one.





Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 2008

What’s up guys, 

First, I’d like to congratulate our new chapter president, Sean Camillieri.  He was voted in this past Monday.  Thanks to Joe Badami for an exceptional job during his lengthy term.

Hope everyone had a great October.  School started out with a bang here.  Billy Dorfman (High Delta) scheduled a number of rush events and brought up some great potential guys.  Just yesterday over ten rushees were voted on and a number of others were tabled.  Bids go out this Sunday night.

I’m very happy to announce our very first annual Alumni Appreciation Dinner.  This November 8th, we will be honoring our Chapter Advisor, Kevin Piatek, for his years of dedication to our chapter.  I highly encourage everyone to come to show their support.  We’re asking $20 per plate to cover the cost of food and ask that you RSVP to me at or 508-479-9481 by October 17th.   Checks can be made payable to “Lambda Chi Alpha”.  This is a jacket and tie event.

Also, don’t forget Homecoming Weekend on October 18th.  A light breakfast will be served at 9:30 AM.  Alumni are welcome to come to meet and share stories with the younger brothers.  URI will play Villanova at 12:00 PM and we’ll be having a barbeque at 4:00 PM.  Please RSVP to me at or 508-479-9481 by October 10th.

Thanks everyone for your support as we begin to put our alumni communications back together.  We’ve had some brothers stop by the house recently and it’s nice to see everyone.  I look forward to hearing from all of you.  See you at Homecoming!




Sunday, August 10, 2008

School Year 2007-2008 Recap

This past school year was a good one. We initiated 14 new members in the Fall of 2007 and 9 in the Spring of 2008 for a total of 23 new brothers. They're a quality bunch of guys. Three of them have already won officer positions within our house and one was elected to the IFC board for this upcoming school year. We also hired a new chef, John Rousseau, and he's the man.

Three of our brothers have actually been elected to IFC: Greg Welsh is now the Vice President, Andrew Blais is Parliamentarian, and Aaron Clarke is the Public Relations Chair.

Andrew Blais was also just elected to the Lambda Chi Alpha Student Advisory Committee and we have another brother who sits on the board of directors at the Welcome House of South County in Peacedale.

The following is a list of our current officer positions

High Alpha - President: Sean "Sean Paul" Camillieri
High Beta - Vice President: Jared Bergman
High Theta - Philanthropy Chair: Andrew Blais
High Gamma - Secretary: Dan McCleary
High Tau - Treasurer: Sam Leo
High Iota - Risk Manager: Jimmy Thayer
High Kappa - Fraternity Educator: Patrick "Krazee-Eyez Killa" Sheppard
High Delta - Recruitment Chair: Billy Dorfman
High Phi - Ritual Chair: Greg "The Gull" Welsh
High Sigma - Scholastic Chair: Will "Llama" Higgins
High Epsilon - Social Chair: Zach "Delicious" Hershman
High Rho - Alumni Correspondent: Jonathan "JK" Kaufman
High Pi - Alumni Advisor Kevin Piatek


I'm excited to launch the first online alumni newsletter for the Eta Zeta Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Rhode Island.  Here you can find great and useful information about our chapter including news, upcoming events, awards, achievements, and much more.  Posts will be made at a minimum of once a month.

I'm in the process of compiling a new Alumni Directory.  So if you haven't done so already, please email me the following information about yourself:

  • Full Name
  • Nickname
  • Eta Number
  • Graduation Year
  • Major
  • Employer
  • Job Title
  • Best Contact Address
  • Phone Number
  • Preferred Email

Our chapter is still located at the same address:

29 Old North Rd.
Kingston, RI 02881

We would love to see you so stop by if your in the area!

Please remember to sign your comments with your name, eta number, and graduation year.

Comments, suggestions, or anything you'd like me to post can be emailed to me at

I look forward to many great events and stories!  Make sure you remember us if you ever win the lottery.

