Lambda Chi Alpha Eta Zeta

Lambda Chi Alpha Eta Zeta
Lambda Chi Alpha URI
29 Old North Rd. Kingston, RI 02881

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 2009

Hey Everyone,
I hope your new year has been going well so far. Here at the house everything is great, we are still preparing for Greek week which is taking place from the 28thof March to the 4th of April. This year were paired with Sigma Kappa so most people are really excited. Joe ‘Ricci’ is the Greek week chair this year making sure that we have an awesome time. Greek sing, dance, and the chariot are still in the works, however, every other event has its participants and people are ready to go. It would be great if we could get Alumni to come to Greek week events, as you know it is always a great time. Also, Mike Gorman our Epsilon has put together a formal at the Atlantic Beach club in Newport on Friday April 17th
In other news, don’t forget the Spring Alumni Dinner is taking place on Saturday April 18th at 5:30pm for 25 dollars. It’s going to be a great time, and it would be great to get as many alumni to go as possible to come. If you have yet to RSVP, please email me at

Yours in ZAX
Gage Kearns
HZ 1440